Forgiveness is a word and an action that is not easily defined, but it is something that can define a person. Perhaps I can start by telling you what forgiveness is not. Forgiveness is not weakness. It is not a sign of inferiority. It is not letting someone get away with hurting you in some manner. What forgiveness is, however, is a characteristic of Christ. It is turning the other cheek, or maybe better understood, turning over a new leaf. It is letting go of past hurt, past sorrow, past pains. It is releasing yourself from those haunting memories. It is allowing the Great Comforter to rule your actions and reactions to the past. It is showing the love that Jesus showed, even while dying on the cross. He was able to forgive those who had hung Him there, those who had condemned Him to death, those who had yelled "crucify Him, crucify Him." By hanging on the past, by not forgiving, we are allowing those things to control us instead of Jesus. Forgiveness in our lives is not for the offender, but for the offended. It is so crucial to our well being Jesus told us to forgive as we desire to be forgiven. If you want forgiveness, my friend, by all means, forgive.